For patients with lumbar spondylosis/lumbar disc herniation: how to improve/relieve low back pain symptoms in everyday life

For patients with lumbar spondylosis/lumbar disc herniation: how to improve/relieve low back pain symptoms in everyday life
With change in people's lifestyle and work patterns, incidence of cervical spondylosis and lumbar spondylosis is increasing, and symptoms such as lower back pain and leg numbness caused by lumbar hyperosteogeny and herniated disc seriously affect people's daily lives.

So, for patients with lumbar spondylosis and lumbar disc herniation, how can we improve and alleviate symptoms of lower back pain and leg numbness in our daily lives?

1. Morning relaxation

Slow, light activity in morning helps to wake up tired muscles and stiff joints. It also helps you take deep, relaxed breaths when you wake up. But if you have obvious and severe lower back pain, it is not recommended to do "certain" exercises, such as lower back and other activities that cause a clear load on the waist.

For patients with lumbar spondylosis/lumbar disc herniation: how to improve/relieve low back pain symptoms in everyday life

2. Wear comfortable shoes

To keep your lower back healthy, choose comfortable and comfortable casual shoes. While low heels are best for everyday wear, high heels are not necessarily unsuitable. Choose a pair with soft soles. Cushioned outsole reduces impact when walking on hard surfaces. It helps protect lower back, hips and knees.

3. Start exercising gradually

Exercising is a great way to keep fit. But if you haven't exercised for a long time, do it slowly. Start with low-intensity exercise such as walking, cycling, or swimming for about 30 minutes a day. Light stretching or yoga can also help your muscles.

4. Sit comfortably

If your job requires you to sit for a long time, make sure your chair has a straight back, adjustable seat and armrests. Some people prefer lumbar support to others. If you need extra support, place a rolled towel behind your back. By resting your feet on a low stool, you can also reduce lower back pain while sitting.

For patients with lumbar spondylosis/lumbar disc herniation: how to improve/relieve low back pain symptoms in everyday life

5. Ergonomics

If you spend most of day at a computer, your workstation can affect your lower back health. You should not lean forward towards keyboard or look at monitor. Instead, move them closer so you can keep your elbows out of way as you work. You should also adjust your computer screen so that it is at or below eye level.

6. Take a break

If you sit or stand a lot during day, take frequent breaks to move around. A simple walk around your home or office relieves tension in your joints and muscles. You can also try some light stretches. If you don't have time to rest, then make sure your form is correct.

For patients with lumbar spondylosis/lumbar disc herniation: how to improve/relieve low back pain symptoms in everyday life

7. Correct standing posture

Constant standing puts strain on lower back. If you have to work while standing, try placing one foot on a stool or other low object. Then change legs frequently. This will help reduce stress on your lower back. Wearing soft shoes or standing on a thick rubber mat can also help reduce stress of standing for long periods.

8. Learn to properly "lift"

Lifting children and other heavy objects is a common source of lower back pain. Follow these tips to protect your lower back:

  • Near object you want to pick up. Pull your elbows as close to your body as possible, being careful not to take your arms away from your body.
  • Bend your knees and use your legs and muscles to lift your body.
  • Do not twist when lifting.
  • For patients with lumbar spondylosis/lumbar disc herniation: how to improve/relieve low back pain symptoms in everyday life

    9. Climb stairs

    It is often believed that walking up stairs is a way to diversify your life. However, walking up stairs may not be best exercise for some people suffering from low back pain, especially elderly and those with knee problems. So before climbing stairs, ask your doctor if stairs are right for you.

    10. Adjust driver position

    Driving long distances places stress on lower back. Follow these tips to keep your lower back feeling great even on longest rides.

  • Move seat forward so you don't have to lean over steering wheel.
  • Place a rolled-up towel, small pillow, or other lumbar support under your back.
  • During a long drive, take an hour off to get out of car and take a walk.
  • For patients with lumbar spondylosis/lumbar disc herniation: how to improve/relieve low back pain symptoms in everyday life

    11. Know which sports to avoid

    If you have a lower back injury or are dealing with certain back conditions, there are some exercises you should not do at all until approved by your doctor. These sports include contact sports, racket games, golf, weightlifting, dancing, jogging, and squatting.

    12. Be careful when "pushing"

    Activities that require pushing, such as vacuuming, using a stroller, and mowing grass, can strain your lower back. Again, keep your elbows as close to your torso as possible. Don't push with straight arms. Choosing a lightweight stroller or a vacuum cleaner can also help. If activity still seems too much, try doing it a little at a time.

    For patients with lumbar spondylosis/lumbar disc herniation: how to improve/relieve low back pain symptoms in everyday life

    13. Choose best sleeping position

    Sleeping on your side is most common sleeping position. Place a small pillow between your knees to help maintain proper posture. If you have to sleep on your back, try placing a pillow under your knees.

    14. Lose weight

    Additional weight on body means additional strain on muscles in lower back. This is especially true if extra pounds are around your waist. The heavier you are, more each step affects your lower back. Weight loss also protects muscles and joints of knees and hips.