Patients with tumors / cancer, how to take care of yourself in everyday life?

Patients with tumors / cancer, how to take care of yourself in everyday life?
Patients with tumors and cancer, early or late, whether they are treated conservatively or after surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy, in order to improve recovery and quality of life of patients, medical care in daily life is very important!

So, what does daily care of such patients include?

1. Healthy eating ----- eat right

Fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains contain more nutrients than unhealthy foods. They can also help you manage side effects during treatment, maintain a healthy weight, and reduce your risk of infection. Healthy food in moderation can even speed up recovery time. However, try to avoid raw foods (undercooked foods), remember to wash fruits and vegetables, and stick to pasteurized foods.

2. Drink plenty of water (boiled)

When you don't get enough fluid, your cells are "thrown out" due to dehydration. 8 glasses of water a day help maintain mineral balance in body. But in some situations, more may be needed, such as when your side effects after treatment are vomiting and diarrhea and you lose too much fluid due to vomiting and diarrhea, you need to replace more.

Patients with tumors / cancer, how to take care of yourself in everyday life?

3. Sports and exercise

Exercise helps control emotions, strengthens body and strengthens immune system. However, for post-surgery patients, be sure to contact your doctor first to see if exercise is right for you. Also, take your time and save up 30 minutes a day. Regular exercise not only improves well-being, but also helps prevent cancer recurrence.

4. Make sure you get plenty of rest

When you have cancer, it's important to be active, but don't overdo it. Always pay attention to your body. When you feel tired, take a break to give your body enough time to recover.

Yes, sleeping at night is naturally very important.

Patients with tumors / cancer, how to take care of yourself in everyday life?

5. Learn relevant medical/scientific knowledge

When you're living with cancer, knowledge is power. You can learn more about medical knowledge, health knowledge, popular science knowledge, and do's and don'ts from doctor's explanations or reading books. What's good for you and what's not good for you is naturally good for you. your body.

6. Talk more, talk more

After you get sick, your mood will naturally suffer a lot and you may become depressed, but at this time you need to communicate and understand more so that your family, friends and colleagues can better understand you, help you and may they Knowing real things in your heart, may they console you and help you better.

Patients with tumors / cancer, how to take care of yourself in everyday life?

7. Cope with stress

Reducing stress levels is a must. The less you worry, better your body will be able to fight cancer. Meditation, hypnosis, relaxation techniques, tai chi, and even aromatherapy can alleviate back tension and help you relax.

8. Go for a massage

Gentle or deep kneading of sore muscles can help relieve pain and stress, as well as lift your spirits. Massage salon.

Patients with tumors / cancer, how to take care of yourself in everyday life?

9. Acupuncture

This traditional Chinese treatment is thousands of years old. Doctors insert fine needles into specific points (or acupuncture points) on skin, which sounds intimidating but can actually help relieve nausea and even some types of cancer-related pain.

10. Aromatherapy

Side effects after treatment are obvious, nausea? Some scents soothe stomach. A person trained in aromatherapy can be seen pouring aromatic oils into your bath or spraying (spraying) them into air in your home. Some massage therapists use aromatic oils as part of a combination treatment for pain, nausea, and stress relief.

Patients with tumors / cancer, how to take care of yourself in everyday life?

11. Listen to music

It's true: music can improve your mood. Listening to music has many benefits such as relaxation, stress relief and even pain relief, or diverting your attention so that you no longer pay attention to disease itself, forget about pain and forget about all discomfort and side effects. also a good way.

12. Get good sleep

Cancer can seriously disrupt your sleep. Good sleep has a huge impact on your physical and emotional health, especially when you need to rest and recover. If you often suffer from insomnia, talk to your doctor and heed his advice. You can try relaxation techniques, improve your sleep habits. , and even use medications to help in severe cases.

Patients with tumors / cancer, how to take care of yourself in everyday life?

13. Keep clean and tidy

Shave, shower and put on clean, comfortable clothes. These simple things will make you feel like yourself. Maintaining your own level of hygiene is an important part of your health. It can give you a sense of control, lift your spirits, and help you avoid unwanted infections.

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