Avoid these seven misconceptions about psoriasis! Stop wasting money!

Avoid these seven misconceptions about psoriasis! Stop wasting money!

Psoriasis is "psoriasis" we often hear about. Due to its long course and ease of relapse, some people do not even recover for life. Therefore, disease is also called "God's tattoo".

There are currently more than 125 million psoriasis patients in world, and about 6.5 million in my country.

Know psoriasis and avoid seven minefields

Avoid these seven misconceptions about psoriasis! Stop wasting money!

At present, psoriasis is difficult to treat, and relapses are an important feature, but this does not mean that psoriasis cannot be treated, psoriasis is curable, and relapses can also be prevented. Scientific awareness is very important for public and patients with psoriasis.

If you want to understand and cure psoriasis, following seven misconceptions should be avoided!

Misconception 1: Psoriasis can be cured

There is currently no cure for psoriasis. Many advertisements claim that psoriasis can be cured, but patients should not easily believe this. In addition, it is even more unreliable to treat psoriasis with secret recipes of ancestors and folk remedies, this is not only a waste of money, but also main cause of psoriasis exacerbation.

Misconception 2: Psoriasis is incurable

Although psoriasis cannot be cured, there are ways to control symptoms and skin lesions. Traditional biologics, including methotrexate, cyclosporine, tretinoin, etc., especially Tuosi® interleukin 17A, are entering market one after another, which is expected to change status quo of psoriasis treatment and allow patients to achieve fast and stable treatment. , The effect of complex removal of skin lesions.

Misconception 3: Psoriasis is just a skin disease

Psoriasis is not just a skin disease, but a systemic disease that can cause damage to organs outside skin, represented by heart, and is also a component of "metabolic syndrome".

European and American scientists say that psoriasis is "one kind of inflammation, two plaques." In addition, psoriasis can affect metabolism with hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and hyperglycemia.

Misconception 4: Food causes psoriasis

There are various factors that cause psoriasis. It is known to be associated with genetic factors, infections, mental factors, trauma, bad habits, medications, metabolism, and immunity. So far, it has not been proven that an increase or lack of which foods are risk factors for disease.

Misconception 5: Psoriasis is contagious

Many people think that psoriasis is a skin disease that can be transmitted through contact with people who have psoriasis, so they try to stay away from people with psoriasis. In fact, psoriasis is not contagious and nothing to worry about.

Misconception six: mental state of patient does not matter

Studies at home and abroad have confirmed that psoriasis is a psychosomatic disease. Effective psychological counseling and psychotherapy can effectively control disease. Patients should maintain a good attitude and cooperate in treatment.

The seventh misconception: joint psoriasis is very dangerous

Currently, diagnostic criteria for joint psoriasis have been relaxed. Arthritis, arthralgia and calcificationpoints of attachment of joints are considered psoriasis of joints.

Severe psoriatic arthritis is roughly equal to rheumatoid arthritis plus ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis mainly affects peripheral small joints, ankylosing spondylitis mainly affects central large joints, and severe arthritis affects all joints, accounting for less than 1% of patients with psoriasis.