Why is folliculitis dangerous? You will understand it after watching!

Why is folliculitis dangerous? You will understand it after watching!

Some people say it's pimples (acne), some people say it's chronic eczema caused by allergies... It wasn't until I went to dermatology hospital that I realized it was folliculitis!

The appearance of folliculitis at first does not have much effect on body and only slightly affects appearance. It is for this reason that most people do not pay much attention to folliculitis. The inflammation became more and more severe and caused more diseases.

Why is folliculitis dangerous? You will understand it after watching!

Danger of folliculitis

When squeezing a folliculitis boil located on head and nose, microbes may enter brain with blood, causing a purulent blood clot, or a brain abscess, which can be fatal.

Why is folliculitis dangerous? You will understand it after watching!

Folliculitis is localized to neck, easily causes skin lesions, showing papillary hyperplasia or scarring, or may develop into purulent folliculitis, which is not easily cured.

Folliculitis develops deep in skin and can easily cause inflammation around follicles. Furuncles that appear repeatedly are called furunculosis. In severe cases, there may be swollen lymph nodes, fever, headache, and even sepsis or sepsis.

Why is folliculitis dangerous? You will understand it after watching!

Folliculitis, which seems to have little effect on body, can also cause serious problems with it. In this regard, editor reminds patients with folliculitis to remember following points:

  • Eat more whole grains, vegetables, and fruits to help smooth stools and prevent constipation.
  • Eat fewer high-calorie foods such as sugar, meat, fried foods, nuts, etc. People with a hot constitution should eat less spicy foods.
  • Regular work and rest, staying up late, avoiding excessive stress and fatigue.
  • Pay attention to personal hygiene at regular times, take a bath often and dry yourself after sweating in time.
  • People with oily skin can bathe with sulfur soap twice a week; for dry skin, you should not use sulfuric soap, but should focus on moisturizing.
  • Try to avoid working at high temperatures, it is not recommended to visit sauna or do hot yoga.
  • Do not squeeze or scratch pimples, otherwise pores will easily become clogged. If it itches a lot, apply a cold compress and apply ointment.
  • Why is folliculitis dangerous? You will understand it after watching!

    People prone to folliculitis

  • Young people who like to sweat. Young people have a fast metabolism or a lot of exercise, like to sweat and eat a high-calorie diet, which leads to oily skin. If it is not cleaned in time, it is easy to get sick with folliculitis.
  • People with a weak constitution and low immunity: people who frequently take corticosteroids or immune medications, or people who are immunocompromised (HIV patients), some who are anemic, etc.
  • Hyperthyroid patients: it is also associated with a high metabolism and excessive sweating.
  • Diabetics. Skin with hyperglycemia tends to provide nutrients to bacteria and fungi.
  • Occupation-related: workers who are regularly exposed to chemicals such as coal tar, gasoline, motor oil, chloroform, etc.
  • Incorrect use of cosmetics. Some cosmetics contain inappropriate additives (e.g. heavy metals, hormones, etc.).
  • Why is folliculitis dangerous? You will understand it after watching!

    Reminder: Bacterial folliculitis is generally not contagious, and Malassezia folliculitis caused by fungi is generally not contagious, but this is also due to constitution of contact. If you meet a person with low immunity, you may become infected. "It is recommended to go to hospital in time for treatment if you have folliculitis, so as not to delay best time.