Do I need to wash my hair every day with scalp psoriasis? Will over-cleaning exacerbate skin damage?

Do I need to wash my hair every day with scalp psoriasis? Will over-cleaning exacerbate skin damage?

The scalp is a predisposed site for psoriasis, and mottled skin lesions can be seen between hairlines. In patients with this type of skin, many scales often fall off head. Many patients often have this question: I have severe flaking on my head, do I need to wash my hair every day? Will over-cleaning exacerbate skin damage?

According to survey statistics, about 65.7% of patients with psoriasis will have symptoms on head, and 46.9% of patients will have symptoms on head first. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to cleaning and caring for scalp.

Daily hair washing can not only keep scalp moist, but also remove flakes from surface of scalp, as well as not aggravate skin damage due to over-cleansing. So, how should psoriasis patients take care of their head?

Do I need to wash my hair every day with scalp psoriasis? Will over-cleaning exacerbate skin damage?

Shampoo cycle control

Focus on washing your hair daily to heal your psoriasis. Patients are advised to wash their hair 4 to 7 times a week. Daily shampooing allows you to achieve an effective cleansing effect, remove scales from surface of scalp and give face a fresh look.

Do I need to wash my hair every day with scalp psoriasis? Will over-cleaning exacerbate skin damage?

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Clean with warm water

Try to control temperature of your shampoo water at around 40°C. Mild water temperature will not irritate scalp, but can also promote sebum metabolism and protect hair flexibility.

Do I need to wash my hair every day with scalp psoriasis? Will over-cleaning exacerbate skin damage?

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Many patients experience an itchy scalp and feel that it would be more convenient to scald with hot water, but this will cause excessive scalp irritation and aggravate skin lesions. Therefore, patients and friends should not try to cause serious consequences for some time.

Scalp massage

Do not use excessive force when cleaning scales, as this can easily irritate scalp, damage skin, or even cause infection. Patients and friends can gently massage scalp with their fingertips while washing their hair to improve blood circulation.

Do I need to wash my hair every day with scalp psoriasis? Will over-cleaning exacerbate skin damage?

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Cut your nails often and don't scratch your scalp with your nails when washing your hair, because scratching your scalp will increase scalp irritation and you can scratch your scalp rash, causing a homomorphic reaction.

Choose a mild, less irritating shampoo

The shampoo contains many chemical ingredients, and some shampoos add irritants to achieve effect of controlling sebum and removing dandruff. Patients with psoriasis tend to choose neutral, gentle, and less irritating regular shampoos so that scalp irritation does not aggravate condition. At same time, you can use products such as hair conditioner to keep your hair moist.

Do I need to wash my hair every day with scalp psoriasis? Will over-cleaning exacerbate skin damage?

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Proper use of hair dryer

After washing hair, patient should use a towel to dry moisture in hair. Wiping should be as gentle as possible. If you use a hair dryer, make sure that high temperature wind does not blow directly on hair, it is best to keep a distance of 10-15 cm so that head burns do not aggravate skin damage.

Do I need to wash my hair every day with scalp psoriasis? Will over-cleaning exacerbate skin damage?

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Focus on daily protection

Psoriasis patients should avoid combing hair in opposite direction of hair growth during daily head care and avoid using sharp combs. Do not knot your hair too tightly or pull it with items such as a curling iron, which can damage your scalp.

Do I need to wash my hair every day with scalp psoriasis? Will over-cleaning exacerbate skin damage?

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Try not to wear a hair towel or head covering that covers your scalp. Sun exposure is good for treating illness, but don't expose yourself to it to aggravate condition.

Do I need to wash my hair every day with scalp psoriasis? Will over-cleaning exacerbate skin damage?


Do I need to wash my hair every day with scalp psoriasis? Will over-cleaning exacerbate skin damage?

Patients and their friends should control temperature and time of water when cleaning and caring for scalp. Do not rub hard, scratch your nails or cause irritation if water temperature is too high!