Time will not only make you bald, but it can also leave age spots on your body.
If you really turn 60, you will know it. Why do some people get age spots on their bodies before age of 30? Who can stand it?
Does presence of "pigment spots" mean that a person is old? Age spots appear before 30 years old, is it premature aging?
What are "pigment spots"?
The scientific name for "pigment spots" is "seborrheic keratosis", also known as senile warts. By and large, this is a benign formation that does not belong to category of cancer, and it will practically not worsen or affect a person’s health.
age spots
Seborrheic keratosis usually manifests itself as skin growths of various sizes, which can appear singly or in groups. It is softer to touch, adheres to surface of skin and more often occurs on face and back of hands.
Generally speaking, color of seborrheic keratosis is brown or black, but it is also rarely white or light brown. While chance of it becoming cancerous is relatively low, in everyday life it can feel itchy and bleed easily, and frequent rubbing can also cause redness, swelling, and inflammation.
Do young people have "age spots"?
It's nothing new for young people to develop 'senile plaques'. Although seborrheic keratosis mostly occurs in middle-aged and older people over 50, a small number of them develop in teenagers and young adults. illness.
The cause of seborrheic keratosis is currently not very clear, it may be due to age factors, genetic factors and prolonged exposure to sun.
Thus, disease can develop not only in middle-aged and elderly people, but also in young people with a family history, as well as in those who have not used sunscreen for a long time.
Does presence of "pigmented spots" mean your age?
As mentioned earlier, age is only one of factors that increase risk of disease. Adolescents and young adults may also develop "pigmentation spots". Functional degradation is even more inappropriate.
Young people develop "age spots", which can be associated with following three reasons:1. Family History
Seborrheic keratosis is inherited, so if your parents have it, you are more likely to get it.
2. Prolonged exposure to sunlight
Prolonged exposure to sun without use of sunscreen not only leads to "pigmentation spots", but also significantly increases risk of other age spots.
3. Prolonged irregular sleep, excessive mental stress, eating fatty foods
Long-term late bedtime and eating fatty foods can lead to a violation of metabolism of lipofuscin in human body, an increase in secretion of lipids of skin glands, and lipofuscin pigment formed during metabolism accumulates in skin.
4. May occur after taking estrogen
Some female patients may also develop disease after taking estrogen during pregnancy.
How to remove "pigmented spots"?Generally speaking, "pigmentation" does not require treatment without affecting appearance. But if you have "pigmentation" on your face at a young age, many fairies/men still can't get over it!
Currently, we can go to hospital to use various methods to remove "pigment spots", such as:
1. Cryotherapy
Cryotherapy typically uses liquid nitrogen to freeze hyperplastic skin tissue and render it necrotic. Recovery after cryotherapy is good, as a rule, skin heals within 7-14 days after procedure, leaving no scars.
However, cryotherapy also has disadvantages. In a small number of patients, irreversible color loss may occur after cryotherapy.
2. Surgical resection
Surgical resection can also be used to directly remove hyperplastic skin tissue. The downside is that keloids can form and affect appearance.
3. Laser therapy
"age spots" can also be treated with an erbium laser and a carbon dioxide laser. The recovery time after laser treatment is short and there are usually no scars left.
"Age spots" are not a "pattern" of older people. Young people may also develop "age spots". This does not mean that human body is aging. Provided that "age spots" do not affect appearance, they usually do not need to be treated. If it affects appearance, you can go to general hospital to treat it with freezing, laser, surgery, etc., and all of these can be removed effectively.
I have age spots before age of 30
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