The main symptom of eczema is a change in skin rashes, which can generally be distinguished by distribution of skin rashes and shape of skin rashes. In addition, a clinical examination can also help in diagnosis.
1. How to recognize eczema
1. Distribution of skin lesions: It can occur in any part, and it is often found on face, behind ears, flexors of limbs, chest, arms, scrotum, etc., and distribution symmetrical.
2. Morphology of skin lesions. Skin lesions are initially firm miliary papules, papules, or small blisters that tend to ooze. In chronic course, skin of affected area is thickened, infiltrated, brownish-red or pigmented, scaly or crusted due to severe itching.
3. Examination: The diagnosis can usually be confirmed when fungal examination is positive.
4. Differentiation from other dermatitis: Acute eczema should be differentiated from contact dermatitis. The latter has a single skin lesion with clear boundaries and is mainly limited to contact area. It will recover quickly. after elimination of cause; chronic eczema should be differentiated from neurodermatitis. Skin lesions in neurodermatitis are mainly characterized by deep skin lines, raised skin, dryness, roughness, and fresh moss.
2. How to treat eczema
1. Oral drug treatment: Use antihistamines to relieve itching. For generalized eczema, corticosteroids can be taken orally or by injection, but long-term use is not suitable.
2. Topical medicinal treatment: For acute eczema, use saline solution, 3% boric acid rinse, wet compress, and calamine lotion for astringent and protective action. Appropriate glucocorticoid cream for subacute and chronic eczema.
3. How to prevent eczema
1. Minimize external irritants such as washing in hot water, excessive combing and brushing.
2. Clothing should be loose to reduce friction and irritation, and chemical fibers and woolen fabrics should not be in direct contact with skin.
3. Less contact with chemical ingredients such as soap, laundry detergent, detergent, etc.
4. Avoid foods that can be allergenic and irritating, such as chili peppers, strong tea, coffee, alcohol, etc.
5. Work and rest should be regular, pay attention to combination of work and rest.
Besides, if you have any questions, you can contact Dr. Tian in time. I hope my little science helps more people!
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